Hi everyone and welcome to my sketch blog. This is the place where I’ll post some of the better sketches that make it into my sketchbooks, onto business memos, or onto post-it notes as the case may be. I hope you like what you see, and I eagerly await and encourage any comments or criticisms.
Sketches here will come from either two places: business or personal. I work at a bookstore at one of the big universities in Atlanta, and I do a lot of drawing at work during dead time. That's "business": drawings will either be on Post-It Notes, memos, or other pieces of work-related drawing materials I've grifted. I also draw a lot in my sketchbook, the other place from which drawings will come; that's "personal."
Anyway I thought I'd start out with some drawings from work. Some of these are just random doodles, but most are based on real customers or customer types.
Images are scaled down to save space. Click on the images for full-size versions.

If you can't read the small print at the bottom, it reads: "Question marks used to preserve tone and inflection." Because the guy didn't ask the questions, it's like he just
stated them.

Artist's Note: "Lenox" refers to one of the big malls in Atlanta, and one known for an inordinate number of hipster-types.
These next two are related:

These are both sketches of real customers, but both are believed to be actually the same person from two different times coexisting in the present. I'm not exactly sure how it works, but all I can guess is that drug use, broken hearts, and Christian glam metal are to blame.

Most of these would only make sense to the other people I work with, but I've thrown it up here for everyone else.
I dont' understand how trends develop among any group, but especially among female twentysomethings. This comic centers around these trends, and includes a funny story about the creation of this drawing.

Okay, so that's the extent of the post-its at this point. Later in the week I'll put up some other stuff I did at work. Switching gears, here's some stuff from my sketchbook.
Transformers kick:

This is how much of a nerd I am. I drew my car as a transformer. I kinda had to, though; I think it's basically a fantasy of just about any male that grew up in the 1980s.
Dr. DoomThis is based off a John Bryne (I think) rendition of Doom
"Benson & Henson and Friends: The Love EP" CoverThis is a cover for an album some friends of mine made. In fact, check out their pages
here or
Heavy MetalLike it says, this was drawn while I was listening to Sabbath's "Sabbath Bloody Sabbath" album and Van Halen's first two albums.
Random ComicsHere are some comics I did a while back. I used stock photos and ComicLife to make them; just thought I'd throw them in as a bonus.
Hikers - part 1

Hikers - part 2

Whoo. That was a lot to post, but then again that's an accumulation of a month or so. But I hope you all liked it. I'll be posting more drawings and comics as I do them. Keep checking back for more updates.