Anyway, some news, and a funny story:
I'm smack-dab in the middle of page three of "Last Resort" at the moment, so I don't have anything new to show (hence the spider-man), but in case you're wondering how the comic is going, let me just tell you: it's going, man, it's going. Momentum's pretty good, I've got it to about a page a week now, which should get me done in, I dunno, a while from now. But it's one page at a time, and that's how I'm trying to think about it.
Anyway, here's something really kinda strange that happened to me today, and it's related to my comic. I was sitting outside during my lunch break, doing some reading, when I smell the hint of cigarette smoke in the air. This caught my attention, so I looked up to see who was smoking (don't ask me why I looked up or why I care who in my vicinity was smoking; I was just curious), and I notice that it's a guy about 40 feet away from me. At first I didn't really pay attention, but then I kept staring at the guy: kinda big, beard, cigarette. Hmm, I thought, if it weren't for the longish hair he'd be a pretty dead-on real-world version of one of the main characters of my comic book (the character in my story smokes as well, by the way). Then I look at the other guy; A little taller, skinnier, glasses, t-shirt. I know you haven't seen him in any of the pages here (you will in the third page, though), but he looked exactly like the second main character of the story.
I didn't really know what to make of it at first. It was almost like an augur or an omen of some sort, like the characters in my head suddenly materialized in flesh and blood. And the entire time they were there I just stared at them, looking at how they interacted. I even took a few notes and sketches in my sketchbook that I had handy, just to get down any nonverbal characteristics that might work well in the comic. And it definitely helped, I think; it gave me a few good ideas for some of the visuals as I get further into the story.
It was a pretty strange occurrence, and I still don't quite know what to make of it, but I'm going to go ahead and write it off as a sign from the Heavens that this comic is supposed to happen. Either that or I'm an idiot who could probably find a "sign" in anything because he reads into stuff too much. Go figure.
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