Hello, friends. How was your weekend? Mine was pretty good. I saw Grindhouse (for the second time) on Friday, and was blown away. I also finally got around to getting my hands on the 10th anniversary Clerks. DVD, so I've been checking out that stuff all weekend, too. Anyway, here's what's going on with "Last Resort," the graphic novel I've been working on.
As of now I'm officially putting page 3 to the side and moving on to page 4. I don't know, I just kinda got stuck on page 3; so instead of just staring at it on my desk not doing anything on the graphic novel because I'm stuck on this one part of this one page, I've decided to just come back to it later when I have a better idea of what I want. As of now I'm 2 panels into page 4, and I'm feeling pretty good about it. I've also started doing actual dialogue and speech bubbles, so getting comfortable with those might take a little time; I'm feeling good about it, though.
Another change: I've moved up (or back to, rather) using actual comic art boards for the art. If you aren't familiar with how comics are made, they're drawn on oversized sheets of bristol board (basically a high quality, more rigid paper) so that the artist can fit in more details without having to squint really hard or anyting like that. I was doing the pages on just straight up copier paper, but because of the aforementioned speech bubbles, I need more space to work so that I can fit everything in. I started the project months ago originally using pro art boards, but they made me feel really uncomfortable; after getting a couple pages down, however, I got some confidence and now I feel good enough to work with the real stuff.
So that's where I'm at with the project. I'm feeling good about it and trying to get some momentum back. I had to take a break, though, because after drawing the same things for a couple weeks straight I needed a break to do some other stuff so that I don't get bored with the project, thereby making it not fun and more of a chore than doing what I want to do.
I know this isn't an art post, but I feel I should at least let you know where I'm at. I hope to have some stuff up soon, though. Until then, take it easy, friends.