Tuesday, April 24, 2007

April 24: "Day off" sketches - Zombies! and a work sketch

I think I'll start referring to general sketches as "day off" sketches. All my drawing is devoted mostly to the comic project, but simple playing around is still important to keep from getting bored or stuck in one style. So if the comic is like another job for me, the sketches are what I do on my days off from the job; hence, "day off" drawings.

The first is a zombie, which I think just goes without saying. I was at a comic convention this past weekend, and one of the guests does a lot of zombie-type work, and was doing zombie caricature type stuff, where he'd draw people as zombies for 20 bucks a pop. So after seeing that I got inspired to try my hand at some zombie stuff. This sketch mimics his style a little (at least of the quick sketches he did), but his were definitely a lot better. I still like it, though; not too bad for a rough sketch.

I think I'll probably do more of these, and maybe try my hand at drawing real people as zombies.

This next sketch is one I did on a post it note at work a few weeks ago. The message is pretty self-evident, I think: people who go to the length of wearing button-ups and ties with backward hats and flip flops negate their efforts with their dumbass fashion mixups. Now I'm not a fashion snob or anything (I'm a t-shirt and jeans guy myself), but come on. What's even worse is when a dude will be totally decked out in a suit, but totally ruin the entire thing by wearing some stupid Bass Pro Shops hat or something dumb like that.

Okay, so that should pretty much do it for this entry. Hope you liked the sketches. Oh, and I forgot to mention this when I posted the last page of the comic, but that's going to be the last full, completed page I'm going to post here. When it's all done I might do a little 5-page teaser or something, but until then it's no more full pages. But I'll post little bits and pieces here and there, and, of course, all my other sketches will go here; so there should always be something new to look at. So keep checking back!


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