I wish I knew how to explain how last week I couldn't run out of ideas of things to draw, but now, after two days of not drawing, I've got nothing when I sit down at my laptop. Last week I'd draw my stuff for the day, and by the time I went to bed I had an idea for what I'd draw the next day. You'd think ideas would sort of "pile up" after not drawing for a couple days. Unfortunately that's not the case. I hate that. But instead of doing nothing, I did something random and drew squiggly lines for an hour or two. At least it's something, right? So here's what I came up with for today:

Are your eyes bleeding yet? Good. Even though this was sort of a last resort sketch, I still like how it turned out. It gave me a chance to mess around with typography and play around with something a bit more design oriented (as opposed to just a sketch). Feel free to leave a comment or two of what you think.
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