Thursday, July 26, 2007

July 26: Drawn by the light of my laptop screen

...I almost hate it that I get ideas so late at night. I started drawing these two little comics last night around a quarter to 3 AM. I drew them in the dark of my room, with my laptop monitor as my only lightsource. I don't know why I decided to mention that, I just sort of felt like doing it. Anyway, here they are.

This comic doesn't have any sort of meaning. It just sort of evovled into what it is, which is nothing. It's stupid and unfunny, but, then again, that's kind of what I was going for.

If you're put off by bad language of any sort, then you probably shouldn't read the next one, as swearing is what constitutes as the "dialogue" of the comic in its entirety.

Why 14 people? I dunno, I just thought it sounded like a good number.

Well, that's all I've got for now. Hope you liked, or at least found it moderately tolerable.


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